Family Update
7:56 PMRemember when me and Jensen lived in our very tiny 1 bed 1 bath apartment in Orange County? No washer and dryer, super old AC unit that barely gave out cool air. Those things actually didn't seem like a huge deal when we first moved there...but then I was 9 months pregnant during the summer (who does that??) And WHY did it have to be like 100 degrees for weeks on end???
Pregnant hormones + sweating so much I could die + me being high maintenance = crying my eyes out to Jensen pleading to not be hot anymore. Thankfully, when I was still pregnant, my parents got us an AC unit that we stuck in our bedroom where it was the most hot (ghetto unit didn't push out air enough to reach our bedroom and bathroom).
So baby Tayson lived there for 6 months and then we moved down here to good ol' San Diego in January! It was WAY too expensive and we're still living off of student loans, so Jensen's parents have graciously let us move in with them. Looking back though it's good we have some "poor stories" to tell our kids when they're older. Every one has to have those right? Makes us grateful er something? Haha. I actually am SUPER grateful to be back in our hometown and for Tayson to finally have his own room. And no more annoying laundry and quarters and crud.
I'm very thankful to be here with both of our families where I can hang out with my mom and sister, Tayson can see both Nana and Grandma. I feel much safer taking Tayson on walks (OC is a little questionable). The catch is that Jensen has to still commute to school, not every day though because he stays with different friends in OC each week for a couple nights. So basically we don't see each other Tuesday, Wednesday, and most of Thursday. He's home Thursday evening and for the weekend (no school on Friday yay!) I'm really thankful he makes that drive all the time and he doesn't mind it. Plus it saves us a ton of money. We think it's totally worth it!
That's where we're at right now. One of these days I'll post some recipes. Jensen and I like to eat pretty healthy and we make these super yummy freezer breakfast burritos. That'll be comin' up on here soon!
Stay classy!