Tayson Everett Moore

4:45 PM

On Sunday July 19th, 2015 at a whoppin' 7am, our sweet baby Tayson Everett was born! His name is a combo of mine and Jensen's. His middle name comes from an ancestor on Jensen's dad's side. We liked it and thought it would add some sentimental value.

Pregnancy Recap: Not a fan. Only two good things came out of it: My complexion looked smoother and my baby (literally came out HA. I'm funny).  

Labor Recap: For some reason I had a feeling my water wouldn't break. I was on the lookout just in case but I was more concerned about my contractions. I was having a TON of Braxton Hicks my last trimester, especially towards the end. I was timing them one day and sure enough they were several minutes apart for a while, so that evening we went off to the hospital. The next morning he was born! I'm grateful things went smoothly and quickly (pushed for 20 mins) He was 7lbs 13oz. 21 inches long. And 11 days early! (good baby, so mama could stop being pregnant)

We love our sweet baby so much. He is now 8 months old exactly (still doesn't sleep through the night). He's typically a happy boy (when fed and slept). He LOVES bath time. He's very active, rolling around every where and has just started to army crawl. And he has this angelic glow when he smiles, we love it! (also makes up for him not sleeping great)

Prepare to be bombarded with tons of photos! No seriously. Brace yourselves. 

Bought this onesie when I was pregnant because I couldn't resist!! 

Future BYU graduate just like daddy!

His blessing day! He was really looking forward to it.

Sometimes we think it's funny to hike up our baby's pants and make him look like an old man. He thinks it's funny too:-)

 Stay Classy!

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