Black Out

8:29 PM

I had to share this funny experience that happened to me today. So when I was making my sandwich before work the power went out. I had to eat lunch in the dark. And brush my teeth in the dark lol. It was fun.... Then I went to work and Nu Skin has a company instant messenger program so you can IM people within the company. And yes Jensen and I IM each other every day and we love it :-) so when I get there we start IMing each other and I'm telling him about the blackout and I don't really know what to do, if i needed to contact someone er something. It was the first blackout we had since we've been married. I started remembering being younger and my parents would call SDG&E when we had blackouts. So then it makes perfect sense for me to contact them and ask them when the power is coming back on right?? Um, no Tracy. SDG&E stands for SAN DIEGO Gas and Electric. I discovered what the acronym stands for after I googled them to try to contact them. I told Jensen and he started laughing. I'm so young.

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