
3:45 PM

Here are 5 different things (out of 3298432) I love about Jensen (I think I'll try to write 5 new things every anniversary...if I remember):

1. He's always willing to help me with whatever I need. He will drop his homework/studying/craziness and help me. That means a lot. I thank him and tell him how much I appreciate his help (and I should probably thank his parents for teaching him well 
:-) )

2. I love the sweet notes he leaves me. There are days when we just hardly see each other so the little notes make a difference. And he's sentimental with notes too. I left him a sweet sticky note one time on his giant water bottle that he keeps in the fridge, and that was like...2 weeks ago er so. And he still has it on there ha ha. I even asked him one time if he purposely turns the water bottle so the note is facing you when you open the fridge and he said yes. Aww :-) 

3. I love how he knows me so well. It seriously is about the little things in life. When I'm sad he will always ask me, "Do you want me to turn Friends on?" How adorable. The other night he told me that he was trying to get his homework done so he could watch Dancing with the Stars with me, because he knows I like that show too. There are other examples too. Basically, he just remembers such little details about me and I love it :-)

4. This sort of ties in with #3, but he tells me that I am the center of his universe. Um, that is like, the best feeling ever. It's hard for me to think that when I was in high school I didn't want to get married until I was in my late 20's. Clearly, I just did not understand anything. I can't imagine not having Jensen in my life. He tells me that every thing he does is for me. He goes to school for me, works hard for me, always trying to make my life easier. I can't believe how selfless he is. I don't know how I got to be so lucky.

5. I love that I can be so funny/weird around him, because he's the same way (takes one to know one right?) I says certain words and phrases with him that I made up and he says them back to me, instead of thinking I'm bizarre and not going along with it :-) It's precious.

I love him dearly :-)

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