Palm Trees

12:59 PM

This is going to be kind of a lengthy post since I haven't posted anything in months. So go make yourself some popcorn.

Well, let's see, what's new. Oh just the fact that-WE MOVED BACK TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my word. It feels so good to say that. I love BYU. It's a really great school. I just hate the climate it's in. Nobody hates snow more than me. 

A couple times when we were in Provo, it would be getting super cold, but not exactly snowing yet, Jensen would look outside through the mini-blinds and say in a believable, sad voice (but totally joking), "Honey..." And I'd get super mad and be like, "You gotta be freaking kidding me." And then I'd look out the window and see not even a flake of snow on the ground. Then he would laugh and I would call him a dork for messing with me like that :-) It's funny looking back, but in the moment it was anything but. Guess that's how it works in life.

So we are now living in La Habra, which is in Orange County. We live right on the border of Orange County and LA. Jensen's school is in Whittier, which is technically in LA County. He really likes it! He is really enjoying learning everything about being a Chiropractor. And he's making friends fast. Both at school and church. That happens when both your school and stake has basketball teams and you waltz in with your 6'6" self. I'm grateful that BYU had challenging classes because Jensen was well prepared for grad school. 

As for me, I've got our place almost completely decorated. And we're all settled in. So nice to be settled! We're in a tiny 1 bed 1 bath haha, but I love it! We don't need much. It's nice and pretty so I don't really care about the size that much. It's close to every thing you could possibly need (including the mall, the beach, and DISNEYLAND!!!) We're only 15 minutes away from Mickey Mouse!!! There's a chance I might still be a little girl inside. 

I'm so glad there's so much to do here. Jensen and I are way excited. We wanna do everything. We wanna see a Broadway musical in LA someday too. And we also love being so much closer to our families in San Diego. We've already gone back to visit multiple times haha. We can actually go to family events now! I feel so blessed. I also know I wouldn't appreciate this NEARLY as much as I do now if I didn't spend the last 2 years living 10 hours away in freezing cold Utah. So I'm grateful for the 2 years we spent there. I didn't appreciate being born and raised in sunny So Cal at all growing up. NOW I DO. Almost every day I look out our living room window and get so excited seeing the beautiful sunset with the palm trees in the foreground. I love palm trees. So pretty and beachy. While moving from Provo to here on the drive down last month I got so happy when we entered California and I kept saying to Jensen "PALM TREES!!! We live near them again!!" (since they can't survive the snow, I never saw them). When we have a house someday, our yards will be filled with them :-D

Well, I'm going to workout now. That's one of my resolutions this year, to run more 5k's. I did a couple of them in high school and I loved them! Your money goes to a good cause and you can run or just walk with other people. It's like you're all in the same boat type of thing. It was fun to me. And obviously so I can just be healthy in general. So I'm whipping myself back into shape and it feels great! My other resolution is to not be so quiet/shy and just be myself around other people. That's turning out to be much harder than the working out thing. 

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