I'm Feelin' 22!!

9:23 PM

Not really, but I like the song. I suppose I feel a little older? Eh. 

I feel like the last few posts have been novels...so I will bombard you with lots of pictures this time!

This is a super cute and short video of Jensen doing a heel click at                             Disneyland. He's really adorable. My laugh IS NOT :/
Are you tired of Disneyland pictures yet?! :-)
This was when we went with my parents in April.

Waiting for the Aladdin show to start! I swear the show gets funnier every time I see it. The Genie makes it hilarious! A couple of times he quoted Frozen and the audience went wild!! Including me :-)
Disneyland Railroad!
Aww my honey honey :-)
Our birthdays/Mother's Day party at my parents' house! He's the 8th and I'm the 12th. Funny huh? Watch, it gets funnier...

We agreed that on the count of 3 we would blow out the 6 candles together...on the count of 2, he decides to blow them all out. EXCEPT TWO.
Do you see those teeny tiny flames on the blue and pink candles on the very left hand side? They're hardly visible, but those were my two candles I got left with.
Then he turns to laugh at me.
Thanks honey :-) I have a funny husband. 

I made Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers for the first time the other night.
They were sooo good! We LOVE bell peppers. And quinoa.
Which is a miracle since they're both really good for you too.

Umm... I guess that's all for now.

Oh, and I watch Frozen at least a couple of times a week, shamelessly. 

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